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Ion-O-Vac High Pressure Vacuum

Ion-O-Vac High Pressure Vacuum

Ion-O-Vac High Pressure Vacuum

The Ion-O-Vac line of sheet and web cleaners is designed to remove particulate down to 20 microns in size. Using a combination of high of high velocity air speed and static elimination, the Ion-O-Vac heads are mounted where material has more than 30 degrees of surface contact with a roller or cylinder. This maximizes the cleaning effect of the high pressure vacuum.

Ion-O-Vac Mark I

The Mark I systems include a high velocity dust collector and custom designed vacuum head with cleaning brushes and static bar (not included on select models). Designs for many presses as well as custom engineering are available to manufacture a head to accommodate modifications to your press.

Ion-O-Vac Mark IV

Mark IV systems utilize the power of rotary brush action to scrub the material surface, cleaning down to 15 microns. The scrubbing action of the Mark IV rotary brush system is designed for the toughest of materials that demand the cleanest of printing surfaces.


  • Single or double sided web cleaning
  • Contact and non-contact configurations
  • Brackets and ducting included
  • Adjustments for precisely positioning the hood over the substrate
  • Optional pneumatic retraction systems to raise and lower the hood
  • Brushes slide in and out for easy replacement